We Have Solutions For Schools Of Any Type Or Size!

The reality is educators everywhere are facing unprecedented challenges with students. Mental health is at an all time high, there's been an increase in behavorial issues everywhere, and student's attendance is suffering.

There has been a lot of research done about after school programs, and other non-academic programs with teens. And it seems regardless of whether they are an at-risk population or not, these programs...

  • Increase student's confidence

  • Increase student's academic performance

  • Reduce student's making poor choices

  • Increase in student's attendance

  • Reduce behavioral issues with students

The other reality that society is facing is that students who are graduating and entering the adult world are simply not adequately prepared. Our programs have a direct effect in preparing students for life after high school because we teach students the essential skills, they need to succeed whether they go to college, or into the workforce.

We want to come along side educators everywhere to support your mission to positively impact the lives of student's and prepare them to live to their full potential after graduation. Together, we can make a difference.






Workshops can be offered as a series, or individually. They can be done during the school day, held as a lunch and learn, or can be held after school.

Workshops Can Be Used As:

  • Replacement for suspension

  • Replacement for ISS

  • Personal development for students

Find a list of our Workshop Topics Here!


We have an entire online assortment of curriculum for students in high school. This curriculum covers a large array of topics to help teens learn essential skills to be successful as adults.

These Courses Can Be Used As:

  • Credit recovery for students

  • Supplemental education

These Courses Can Be Used As:

  • Career Exploration

  • Career Planning

  • Scholarships 101

  • Goal-Setting for Teens


Programming is a great option for schools that want to have consistent programming year-round for students. It is completely customized to your students from the topics to the meeting times.

This is a great way for students to have consistent growth, and consistent positive improvements and changes with their behavior, academics, and attendence.

Programming Can Be Used As:

  • Credit recovery for students

  • Supplemental education

  • Replacement ISS

Programming Can Be Used As:

  • Lunch & Learns

  • Study Hall Replacement

  • ISS Replacement

  • Real World Simulations

  • After School Programming

Find a list of our Curriculum/Program Topics Here!


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(614) 749-9501

Pickerington, OH

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