Hey Homeschool Mama's!

Is Your Homeschool Teen Ready for Life After High School?

Homeschooling goes beyond academics—it's about preparing your teen for the real world. But as a busy homeschool parent, you don't have to do it all alone. Adulting University provides a year-long, comprehensive curriculum designed to give your teen the life skills, career readiness, and college prep they need, while giving you the support you deserve.

Are you looking for a way to equip your homeschool teen with the skills and confidence they need to thrive as adults?

As a homeschool mom, you’ve dedicated yourself to providing a rich, personalized education for your teen. But when it comes to preparing them for life beyond high school—whether it's career, college, or essential life skills—it can be overwhelming to do it all on your own. That’s where we come in.

Our virtual homeschool co-op offers tailored programs for teens in middle school through high school, providing not only education but also community, clubs, and peer collaboration. With three membership levels, you can choose the right level of support, giving both you and your teen the tools and connection needed for success!

You’ve been wanting to give your teen the best start in life for a long time, but where do you even begin when it comes to something as important as this?


Why be a Member at Adulting University's Virtual Co-op?

Enrollment Dates & Program Overview:

Enrollment Dates & Program Overview:

Enrollment Opens 2x Per Year: Spring Enrollment Ends 2/1

Our Co-op is an annual program, running from either August 1 to July 31 or January 1 to December 31, offering a flexible blend of self-paced courses, optional live classes, monthly student meetups, and parent support. It’s designed to foster community and connection while equipping homeschool teens with essential life skills, career readiness, and college preparation. Whether your teen needs academic guidance, career exploration, or a supportive community, our co-op provides the resources to prepare them for life beyond high school.

We offer three different membership options based on student's grade. See below for more details!

Membership Value Breakdown...

Check out the Info Below for a Full Value Breakdown of our Three Different Membership Options!

Learn more about each benefit and feature under the chart below!

get connected

Students in 7th & 8th Grade


Total Value: $254/month

67% Savings!

  • Parent Membership

  • Up to Two(2) Student Memberships*

  • Student Private Podcast (value: $199)

  • Student Clubs (value: $549)

  • Weekly Teen MeetUps (value: $600)

  • Study Buddy Program (value: $348)

  • Guidance Counselor Group (value: $348)

  • Intake Assessments (value: $150)

  • Monthly Q&A with Experts (value: $348)

  • Bi-Weekly Parent Support MeetUps (value: $799)

Annual Membership

skill builder

Students in 9th & 10th Grade


Total Value: $475/month

65% Savings!

  • EVERYTHING in 'Get Connected' (value: $3,042)

  • Online Courses (value: $396)

  • Student Digital Library (value: $501)

  • Career Roadmap Hybrid Course (value: $349)

  • 1-1 On-the-Go Guidance Counselor Program (value: $708)

  • Two(2) Homeschool Planning Sessions (value: $400)

  • Parent Resource Library (value: $99)

Annual Membership

ready to launch

Students in 11th & 12th Grade


Total Value: $764/month

67% Savings!

  • EVERYTHING in 'Get Connected' AND 'Skill Builder' (value: $5,699)

  • ALL Live Taught & Hybrid Courses ($1,864)

  • 1-1 Virtual Quarterly Homeschool Planning (value: $800)

  • Mentorship Program with Industry Mentor (value: $2,000)

Annual Membership

in-depth look at the "Get Connected" membership for 7th & 8th Graders:

Parent & Student Accounts

  • Every membership includes two parent accounts, giving parents access to our private parent only community.

  • Every membership includes two teens per family, providing them with their own login to access our resources, courses, and community. (*See our FAQ about how this works with teens in different age groups, and if you have more than two teens!)

Private Podcast for Students

  • Tune in to exclusive interviews with teens, industry experts, and inspiring leaders. Gain real-world insights, career advice, and personal growth tips in a fun and relatable format just for teens!

Student Clubs

  • Our student clubs are designed to foster connection, personal growth, and leadership among homeschool teens. Here are our current club offerings at Adulting University:

    • Book Club: Explore new books and discuss exciting themes with your peers in a fun, engaging environment.

    • Bible Study: Dive into meaningful conversations and spiritual growth alongside other teens in our Bible study group.

    • AU Ambassadors Club: This leadership club is like a student council for Adulting University, where teens can help shape the AU community while gaining valuable leadership experience.

Teen MeetUps

  • Our Teen Meetups are designed to foster connection and collaboration. Teens can participate in organized virtual meetups, study sessions, and group activities. Whether they’re working together on projects, engaging in study groups, or joining fun social activities, these meetups offer a safe and engaging environment for homeschool teens to connect with their peers and grow together.

Study Buddy Program

  • Teens are matched with a peer based on their interests and communication style for their first semester to collaborate on a group project and build connections. In the second semester, they’ll be paired with someone opposite of them to learn how to work with different personalities

Your Pocket Guidance Counselor

  • Get quick, on-the-go support via our group-based guidance counselor service. Parents can ask career, college, or life skill questions in a group setting, receiving expert advice and peer support whenever they need it!

Intake Assessments

  • Our Intake Assessments help us understand how each student communicates, collaborates, and learns best. These insights are used to pair students for group projects, study buddies, and other collaborative activities, and helps us support parent & teen interactions.

Monthly Virtual Q&A with Experts

  • Each month, families get the opportunity to engage with industry experts in live Q&A sessions. These interactive Q&As provide personalized support on topics like academics, parenting, homeschooling strategies, and more, offering valuable advice to help families succeed.

Parent Support Group & Meetups:

  • Our bi-weekly meetups offer a space for parents to connect, share experiences, and receive group coaching. Led by experts, these sessions provide support on homeschooling, parenting challenges, and more, fostering a strong community of parents who help each other navigate the homeschooling journey.

Adulting University Community

  • Parents and students are given access to the Adulting University Online private community, where they can connect with other homeschool families for advice, encouragement, and support throughout the program. This is a place where we post exclusive content, specials, new courses, blogs, and other great resources!

in-depth look at the "skill builder" membership for 9th & 10th Graders:

EVERYTHING in the "Get Connected" Membership above, and then these additional add-ons:

Online Self-Paced Courses

  • Teens get access to a library of self-paced courses covering critical life skills, career exploration & readiness, and college planning. These courses allow students to learn at their own speed, providing flexibility within a structured homeschool curriculum. As we add new self-paced courses, students in the program will get automatic access as well.

Digital Resource Library for Students

  • Your teen will have access to an extensive collection of digital downloads, workbooks, and guides designed to reinforce the lessons learned in the self-paced and live-taught courses. You can see a list of some of these products

  • here. *excludes our live taught courses

Enrollment in "Career Roadmap" Course

  • This career exploration hybrid course guides teens in exploring career paths, identifying strengths, and creating a personalized plan for life after high school. Through assessments and exploration, students gain clarity on their future career steps.

Your Pocket Guidance Counselor

  • Students & parents get 1-1 access to Guidance Counselor services, which allows them to receive personalized, on-the-go support, helping with career advice, college prep, and life skills as they need it. Think of it as having 24/7 access to a guidance counselor that is there to help you with your academic journey.

Two(2) Homeschool Planning Sessions

  • Receive personalized guidance in one-on-one, hour-long virtual sessions at the beginning and end of the year with a guidance counselor. These sessions help teens plan their next steps after high school, including goal-setting, academic planning, and career exploration.

Parent Resource Library

  • Parents are provided with access to our parent resource library which includes video tutorials and guides, empowering you to support your teens in this learning journey. This library includes trainings on our four pillars at Adulting University which includes Career Exploration, Essential Life Skills, Career Readiness, and College Planning & Success.

in-depth look at the "ready to launch" membership for 11th & 12th Graders:

EVERYTHING in the "Get Connected" AND "Skill Builder" Memberships above, and then these additional add-ons:

Enrollment in ALL Live Courses

  • Students in this membership tier will be able to enroll in all six live courses, which are live or hybrid-taught. These courses combine self-study lectures with live sessions that focus on hands-on learning and real-world application. We offer three courses in the fall, and three in the spring term.

  • Our fall courses include:

  • Our spring courses include:

    ***As we offer new courses, students will also get first access to these as well. Students are not required to take any of these courses even if they are in the membership, they are just highly recommended.

Quarterly Planning Sessions

  • Receive personalized guidance in one-on-one, hour-long virtual sessions every quarter with a guidance counselor. These sessions help teens plan their next steps after high school, including goal-setting, academic planning, and career exploration. Families get the comprehensive support they need to map out a clear path toward college, career, or other future goals—just like working with a traditional guidance counselor.

Industry Mentorship Program

  • In the final six months of the year, students are matched with a vetted industry mentor who provides additional guidance and support. This mentor helps students navigate career paths, offering real-world insights and advice to prepare them for life after high school. It’s an invaluable opportunity to build relationships with professionals and gain hands-on advice for their future goals.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

Is Our Virtual Co-op Right for You & Your Teen? You’re a Perfect Match If…

  • You’re a homeschool parent who wants to prepare your teen for adulthood with confidence and clarity.

  • You’re tired of piecing together resources and want an all-in-one solution for teaching life skills, career readiness, and college preparation.

  • Your teen is looking to get connected and make friends with other homeschoolers!

  • You want your teen to gain essential life skills but don’t have the time or expertise to teach everything yourself.

  • You’ve tried other programs that didn’t provide the support or comprehensive approach you needed.

  • You’re ready to invest in a program that not only benefits your teen but also supports you as a parent.

  • You want your teen to connect and build relationships and connections with other teens.

Take a second to dream with me…

What if preparing your teen for life was stress-free and actually enjoyable?

Picture it with me for a second…

  • A Life with Confidence: Imagine your teen confidently navigating adulthood. No more worrying about whether they’re ready — you know they are.

  • A Stress-Free Homeschool Journey: What if you could let go of the stress of trying to teach every life skill on your own?

  • Freedom to Focus on What Matters Most: Envision having the freedom to enjoy quality time with your teen, knowing that they’re getting the best education possible.

  • Clarity and Peace of Mind: Feel the peace that comes with knowing exactly what steps to take next.

  • A Supportive Community: Imagine feeling fully supported, not just by our resources but by a community of like-minded parents who understand your journey.

Think you need to do it all by yourself to prepare your teen for adulthood?

Think again.

If you’ve ever been told that preparing your teen for life requires you to teach every single skill yourself, then let out that breath you’ve been holding. Because there’s a better, simpler way. The truth is, most of us have been led to believe that the only way to ensure our teens are ready for adulthood is to take on the entire burden ourselves — creating lesson plans, teaching every topic, and finding the right resources.

But here’s the reality: without the right systems in place, preparing your teen for adulthood is always going to feel way too hard, frustrating, and overwhelming. And it’s not just about finding the time — it’s about knowing that what you’re doing is effective and comprehensive.

The good news? Preparing your teen for real life isn’t as impossible as it feels right now. You don’t need to struggle with piecing together resources or worry about missing critical skills. What you really need is a proven, all-in-one curriculum that covers everything — from basic life skills to advanced problem-solving — all while giving you the support you need as a parent.

If you’re truly ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling confident in your teen’s future, we have the answer.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...


Heather Z.

“I highly recommend Traci!

She did wonders for our Noah who is now thriving in college!! We appreciate your hard work Traci."


Tom D.

“I would highly recommend Traci's program to any high school student.

Her program provided valuable career insight that is above & beyond what is available."

Membership Value Breakdown...

Check out the Info Below for a Full Value Breakdown of our Three Different Membership Options!

get connected


Total Value: $254/month

67% Savings!

  • Two(2) Parent Membership

  • Two(2) Student Memberships*

  • Student Private Podcast (value: $199)

  • Student Clubs (value: $549)

  • Weekly Teen MeetUps (value: $600)

  • Study Buddy Program (value: $348)

  • Guidance Counselor Group (value: $348)

  • Intake Assessments (value: $150)

  • Monthly Q&A with Experts (value: $348)

  • Bi-Weekly Parent Support MeetUps (value: $799)

Annual Membership

skill builder


Total Value: $475/month

65% Savings!

  • EVERYTHING in 'Get Connected' (value: $3,042)

  • Online Courses (value: $396)

  • Student Digital Library (value: $501)

  • Career Roadmap Hybrid Course (value: $349)

  • 1-1 On-the-Go Guidance Counselor Program (value: $708)

  • Two(2) Homeschool Planning Sessions (value: $400)

  • Parent Resource Library (value: $99)

Annual Membership

ready to launch


Total Value: $764/month

67% Savings!

  • EVERYTHING in 'Get Connected' AND 'Skill Builder' (value: $5,699)

  • ALL Live Taught & Hybrid Courses ($1,864)

  • 1-1 Virtual Quarterly Homeschool Planning (value: $800)

  • Mentorship Program with Industry Mentor (value: $2,000)

Annual Membership

Who Am I, and Why Should You Trust Me with Your Teen’s Future?

Hi, I’m Traci—creator of Adulting University and a passionate advocate for homeschool families. As a homeschool mom and seasoned educator, I know the challenges of preparing teens for adulthood.

With a bachelor’s and master’s degree, and certifications as a financial and career coach, plus over 12 years of experience working with youth, I’ve seen firsthand how overwhelming it can be to cover all the bases alone.

That’s why I created Adulting University’s Virtual Co-op—a one-stop, affordable resource offering life skills, career readiness, and community for teens and their families. This program is designed to not only provide essential education but also the support and guidance parents need.

My mission is to help teens and their families navigate the path to adulthood with confidence and ease. With expert support, interactive courses, and mentorship, I’m here to guide you every step of the way—so you don’t have to go through the trial and error I did.

Got Questions? I've Got Answers!

What is a virtual co-op and how does it work?

Our virtual co-op is an online community where homeschool teens participate in a mix of self-paced and live-taught courses, student clubs, and group activities. It’s designed to foster connection, collaboration, and learning while providing support for both teens and parents.

What is included in each membership tier?

We offer three membership tiers based on your teen’s grade level:

Get Connected (7th–8th): Community, clubs, and meetups.

Skill Builder (9th–10th): Digital courses, career exploration, and support.

Ready to Launch (11th–12th): Full access to live courses, mentorship, and college/career prep.

Learn more about our different membership levels and what's included above!

 Can multiple students in one family join?

Yes! If you have multiple teens, you will be charged based on your oldest child’s tier. Younger students in your household will be able to participate at their age-appropriate tier level. If you have more than 2 teens, let us know in the enrollment call and we'll discuss our special bulk family option!

What live courses are available for each grade level?

9th–12th Grade: Career Exploration.

10th–12th Grade: Adulting 101, Entrepreneurship, Personal Finance.

11th–12th Grade: Career Readiness, College Made Easy.

How do mentorship and guidance counselor services work?

Our mentorship program pairs your teen with a vetted industry expert for guidance during the final six months of the year. This is only available to our 11th & 12th graders.

Our guidance counselor is available for personalized planning and goal-setting throughout the year. The level of support varies by membership level. Please see above for more information!

How are students paired for Study Buddies or group projects?

Students take intake assessments (DiSC, Myers-Briggs, CliftonStrengths) to help us understand their communication style and interests. This information is used to match them with similar peers for projects in their first semester, and with students of different styles in their second semester for varied collaboration experiences.

 What kind of time commitment should we expect?

The time commitment varies by tier. Younger students focus on clubs and meetups, while older students (9th–12th) may spend 3–10 hours a week on courses, meetups, and projects, depending on their tier.

What resources are available for parents?

Parents in all levels get bi-weekly support group meetings and our monthly Q&A with experts in a variety of industries to help parents. Parents with high school age students also get access to our digital resource library, and guidance through our Parent Success Series. You’ll also receive updates on your teen’s progress and personalized support within their courses.

How are student clubs organized and run?

Clubs like Book Club, Bible Study, and AU Ambassadors meet regularly in a virtual setting. Students can participate in club discussions, leadership roles, and projects, fostering connection and collaboration.

How do live courses and self-paced courses differ?

Live courses are taught in a hybrid learning model. Students will have pre-recorded lectures and/or mini-trainings to do ahead of the real-time course taught by our instructor. The live taught course and is all about implementing what they learned, so expect interactive and hands-on sessions.

Self-paced courses can be completed at your teen's convenience, giving them more flexibility.

Are there any religious components in the co-op?

Our co-op is inclusive of all families regardless of religious beliefs, race, gender, etc. We do offer a completely optional Bible study for students who wish to participate, but it is not mandatory.

What is the refund or cancellation policy?

Once the program begins, we do not offer refunds. We encourage families to carefully review all program details and schedule a pre-enrollment consultation to ensure the co-op is a good fit for your teen.

Contact Us

(614) 749-9501

Pickerington, OH

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