Preparing Your Teen for Life After High School: How Our Virtual Co-op Fills the Gap

Preparing Your Teen for Life After High School: How Our Virtual Co-op Fills the Gap

Preparing Your Teen for Life After High School: How Our Virtual Co-op Fills the GapTraci Bakenhaster
Published on: 13/01/2025

As a homeschool parent, you pour your heart into teaching your teen. You’ve navigated math, history, and science—but when it comes to preparing them for real life, things get trickier. How do you teach critical life skills, career readiness, and independence without feeling overwhelmed or wondering if you’re covering it all?

HomeschoolCollege ResourcesCareer ReadinessIndependence
12 College Application Mistakes to Avoid: A Senior's Guide

12 College Application Mistakes to Avoid: A Senior's Guide

12 College Application Mistakes to Avoid: A Senior's GuideTraci Bakenhaster
Published on: 16/07/2024

Starting on the right foot is very important for our seniors. Here are 12 college application mistakes to avoid.

College AdmissionsCollege Resources
Balancing Act: Fostering Independence in Your Teen's Homeschooling

Balancing Act: Fostering Independence in Your Teen's Homeschooling

Balancing Act: Fostering Independence in Your Teen's HomeschoolingTraci Bakenhaster
Published on: 11/07/2024

According to Oxford the word balance is defined as a condition in which elements are equal or in correct proportions. I am sure that Oxford has not encountered today's teen. Be that as it may, we are given the task of creating a balance that allows our teens to flourish on their own paths. Check out our blog and learn how to provide the right tools, encourage a sense of responsibility, and empower your teen for a future of self-directed success. #Homeschool #Balance #TeenSuccess

HomeschoolCollege Resources
Debunking Myths About Career Readiness & College Prep

Debunking Myths About Career Readiness & College Prep

Debunking Myths About Career Readiness & College PrepTraci Bakenhaster
Published on: 24/06/2024

When it comes to preparing for the future, many people have misconceptions about what career readiness and college preparation entail. These myths can lead to misguided efforts and missed opportunities for teens. At Adulting University, we aim to dispel these myths and provide a clearer understanding of what true preparation involves. In this blog post, we'll address some common myths and explain what you should focus on to ensure your teen is truly ready for their next steps.

HomeschoolCareer ExplorationCollege ResourcesCareer Readiness